Outreach Ministries

Mission is in our DNA at St. Luke’s. We are seeking to reach out to our local community and wider world with the love of Jesus. We do this through prayer, hands on ministry and financial support. Some of our outreach projects include:

  • Supporting local food banks, community kitchens and pregnancy support centre

  • Various evangelism programs e.g. Alpha, Christmas Cards, Bring a Friend Sundays, etc.

  • Conducting worship services and programs in nursing homes, seniors’ residences and other settings

  • Involvement in local Interchurch missions e.g. free Community Christmas dinner, Canada Day projects, week of prayer for Christian unity, etc.

  • Sponsoring missionaries and church plants in our own denomination and other churches around the world, including support for the Anglican Relief and Development Fund Canada

The Hendersons are serving God and people in Angola! Through medical, technological and Holy Spirit led encounters, they help people know the good news of Jesus. Hear what’s happening, and pray for a good harvest.

If you’re interested in becoming involved with any of these ministries, please contact Julie at the church office.

“He sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal.”

-Luke 9:2