Special one-day VBS “Shine Your Light” - Friday, Jan. 31st, 2025, 9:30-3:30 for ages 4-12. Snacks and light lunch provided. Sign up at the back of the church or call the church office to help or attend. Information handouts are also available for more information.
Fellowship Night -Sunday, February 2nd, 2025, at 7pm join us for a Pembroke Lumber Kings Hockey Game. Tickets: Adults $14, High School $12 and under age 13 $8– bring cash with you to buy tickets at the door. Sign up sheet at the back of the church or call the church office.
Parish Mini-Retreat - Saturday Feb. 8th, 2025, 9:30am-noon. You are invited to bring a bag lunch for fellowship following the retreat. Snacks and drinks provided.
Check out our home page or menu links for ministry & resource information. There’s all kinds of ways to share God’s life!